We would like to welcome Back Bob Watson as the new president of MMAMA. He was the former president of 7 years and has stepped up to take the reins again. Thank You BOB!
Pete McClure was voted in as a new trustee along with past president Danny Carpenter.
2023 Member Appreciation Dinner
Our annual member appreciation dinner will take place December 17th from 1-5-pm at the Thetford township hall. We will be voting on charities and the feature machine/tractor. Please bring pictures of nominations and canned goods and toys to be donated. Please RSVP by calling Bob Watson at (989) 871-2467
Kitchen help needed
We need help in the kitchen lots of help. If we as a club intend on running the kitchen this year we need volunteers. There are currently 3 out of the minimum of 12 that is needed to run the kitchen effectively. These would be half of day shifts. Please if you have any interest contact Danny Carpenter (989) 295-3175
Crossroads village
I would like to get a count of people that plan on coming to Crossroads village this year. Its June 10th and 11th. There will be tractor parades. small tractor pulling and events throughout the weekend . There will be a tram that continuously goes around the grounds for anyone that has a hard time walking long distances. Feel free to bring your own bbq food and refreshments. Please contact me at 989 295 3175… Danny Carpenter
The club has voted on a new meeting time. Meetings will start at 7:oo pm sharp on the 3rd Tuesday of every month.
Thank You
I just wanted to thank all members that attended the February 21st meeting. I was unable to be there due to a work assignment. I heard everything went great and was a very productive meeting even without me there. Thank you Jessica and Lexi for filling in for me and getting this done!! Ill see everyone on march 21st at the Thetford Township Hall.
Purposed Kitchen updates
Attached is the purposed kitchen changes. it will include spinning one of the prep tables to form a new service counter. This counter will get either a barn wood of pallet wood front. The newly formed area will serve three purposes. 1. To make the kitchen smaller and more efficient. More efficient mean less people to operate. 2. Create a space for people to line up with out blocking the dinning room. Finally a space to keep condiments ketchup mustard etc. from being tracked all over the dinning area. Also installation of a new commercial stove under the fire hood to bring the kitchen up to fire code. lastly a new cash register or some sort of inventory/sales system. The barn will be open on February 9th from 630 till 730 for anyone interested in going over the changes.
2023 meetings
We will be having January and February meetings this year. They will be held at the Thetford Township hall January 17th and February 21st at 6:30 pm. Lets get a head start on this years show. If anyone has any pictures or nominations for the feature tractor please bring them to the meeting. Also we need to think about committees and volunteers for the upcoming year. If anyone has any questions feel free to call or text Dan Carpenter at (989) 295-3175
2022 show
Thanks to all for helping pull off our 45th show
MAY Meeting
Just a reminder the club meeting is (Tuesday, May 17th) @ 7:30 in the barn.